Triple Sunday Studios is a team of devolpers who enjoy creating videogames for a non-profit based archive. We are working
with several programs, including (but not limited to) GameMaker, RPG maker 2000/2003, Jasc Paint Shopt Pro and
Animation shop. Games and Demos will be uploaded onto the Downloads page as they are completed, and patches will be
available for previously completed games.
Currently in Development:
Demi : The Fall of Night
Set in both the present day and middle ages, Demi is the story of a young man who has been transformed into a
vampire. During his journey he meets other demi-humans such as himself, and together they work to defeat an enigmantic
enemy. Featuring a transformation system, the ability to learn new moves through item synthysis, and interactive
flashbacks that change the storyline, this is the first game to be created by Triple Sunday Studios.
A day in Your life.
Expierence the day to day life of a high-school aged student. Meet people, build relationships, and help your friends out.
This game is planned to begin development once Demi : The Fall of Night reaches 50% completion.